
Living in an HOA adds value to your home investment, in addition to many other benefits. Learn more about what this means for you, now!

Free Resources for HOA Homeowners

As homeowners in an HOA, you can and should learn about the procedures, responsibilities and benefits of your investment

Living in an HOA provides a sense of security, community and pride

What is an HOA?

A homeowners association is an organization that oversees a community’s governance, business and social affairs by following and enforcing the covenants, collecting and expending necessary funds and building community. HOAs are most common in planned communities and multi-family residential buildings, as well as commercial and retail properties. Those who purchase a home in an HOA must pay certain fees and dues (assessments) as a condition to living in the community.

Each community is different! If you live in a community already managed by an HOALiving company, log into your owner’s portal to see specific information and governing documents for your community.

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You and Your Community Association

We published an informative guide to help familiarize homeowners with the purpose, operation and benefits of community associations.

You can view and download a PDF copy of this document below.

CAI Rights and Responsibilities

The Community Associations Institute (CAI) published a pamphlet of information about owner rights and responsibilities as members of an association.

You can view and download a PDF copy of this document below.

woman on laptop computer

Benefits of an HOA

Living in an HOA provides a sense of security, community and pride. Key benefits include:

Property Value

Well-kept common areas and overall appearance standards ensure your community remains desirable.

Shared Costs

All members pay an assessment (a regular fee), often used to maintain common areas and avoid larger, more expensive issues.


Some communities provide amenities that homeowners may not have access to otherwise.


Connections and communication with your neighbors help to build a strong community.

Your community is yours. Get involved in your HOA today!

Attend annual meetings

Get to know your community members and board. Be involved and communicate your ideas.

HOALiving annual meeting or event
Hands volunteering hoaliving


Support your community by participating in activities and addressing areas of need. Your HOA may be looking for extra hands! This is a great way to get acquainted with your community association and to see if a larger commitment is right for you.


Hesitant about becoming a board member but still interested in getting involved? Ask about joining a committee! Opportunities might include event planning, research, surveys, homeowner communication, etc

woman at a computer joining a committee for her HOA
HOA board group

The board

Help implement change, uphold policies and ensure your community is running effectively. This can be a significant time commitment; however, it can also be a rewarding experience!  

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