Board Members

We provide free, immersive educational opportunities that explore HOA basics and address your association’s unique needs

HOA Training for Boards and Management Professionals

We provide an immersive educational experience, via live webcasts, to cover HOA basics and answer your specific questions

Education is a core principle

We believe HOA boards, homeowners and management professionals need to be educated in order to run and enjoy an effective community association.

Our CEO, Michael Johnson, teaches nationally and internationally as a faculty member for the Community Associations Institute (CAI), our industry’s governing body and the international membership organization dedicated to building better communities. We educate our own teams throughout the year in order to educate and better serve our clients.

Choose the opportunity that’s right for you

Association Essentials Series (AES)

We host MONTHLY, FREE webinars to cover HOA basics - from financials and association legislation, to insurance and board responsibilities. Anyone who is interested in learning more about community associations is invited to register and join live. Can’t make it? Recordings are always posted here.

Board Leader Certificate Course

The Board Leader Certificate Course is a six-hour, intensive seminar that teaches you how to be an effective board member. Participants receive a toolkit of support materials, as well as a certificate of completion and recognition on the CAI website. This course is offered in a single-day.

Homeowner Education

New to living in an HOA? There are many benefits and responsibilities. Learn more about what this means for you.

Would you like to join us?

Register for one of these training opportunities using this registration form. We look forward to supporting you, regardless of the role you play in your community.